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He had an amazing smile that made you want to smile back. 'Hey, Steadman!' I said, matching his enthusiasm. 'Great, then let's get started!' he said as he turned and led me into his room. I pulled up a chair and we began reviewing the chapter on developmental psychology. I truthfully understood the unit completely, but I just liked spending time with him. He wasn't afraid to crack jokes or mess around with his students. #Free gay porn stories teacher student crack He was wearing a fitted white dress shirt, tie, and suit today as he relished dressing nicely and did so especially on Fridays. We eventually drifted from the subject of psychology.

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Trust me, these exams are stressful for us too.' I'm ready to be done with all of these exams.' 'So how is school going for you? You excited for summer?' he asked me with a smile. I laughed and said 'Nothing, I have to work later tonight.' 'So what do you have planned for this beautiful Friday, Kyle?' 'Just three more weeks!' I added cheerfully. 'No girlfriend?' He asked with an usually sly look about him.

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'Not really interested in girls.' I replied. I figured he wouldn't make a big deal out of it, as I had always heard him chastising students who misused 'gay' or said 'faggot'.

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